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The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas[2008]DvDrip-aXXo
Video > Movies
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Jan 22, 2009


> F i L E i N F O 
> TiTLE......[ The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas
> AKA........[ The Boy In the Striped Pajamas
> YEAR.......[ 2008
> GENRE......[ Drama | War
> RUNTiME....[ 01:30:33
> STORE DATE.[ 2009
> iMDB RATE..[ 7.9/10 2,523 votes
> iMDB URL...[
> AUDiO......[ MP3 48000Hz 128 kb/s CBR (2 chnls)
> LANGUAGE...[ English
> ViDEO......[ 948 kbps XviD 25.000 FPS
> Q. FRAME...[ 0.183 bits*pixel
> RESOLUTiON.[ 628 x 330
> DAR........[ 1.903 (40:21)
> SUBS.......[ None
> FiLES......[ 1
> SiZE.......[ 701 MB
> SOURCE.....[ DVD
> N O T E S
> A timeless story of innocence lost and humanity found
> DIRECTOR: Mark Herman
> NOVEL: John Boyne
> ORIGINAL MUSIC: James Horner
> CINEMATOGRAPHER: Benoît Delhomme
> CAST: Asa Butterfield, David Thewlis, Vera Farmiga,
> Rupert Friend, Amber Beattie, Domonkos Németh ...
> STUDIO/PRODUCER: Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainm
> Set during World War II, a story seen through the innocent
> eyes of Bruno, the eight-year-old son of the commandant at
> a concentration camp, whose forbidden friendship with a
> Jewish boy on the other side of the camp fence has startling
> and unexpected consequences
> All stand-alone DivX Players compatible



1. This is history and it has importance.
2. Stop being a prick.
3. Find better things to do than bash some movie over the internet, learn something or do something useful.
LOL Thats funny

hitler will not be forgotten....madman
hmm dunno if the above commentary is positive or ?? NO we're not going to forget Hitler and his henchmen, slaugthering a lot of peoples, but fyi he's not the biggest killer i history. E.g. look at Stalin's statistics?? And you'll find he actually killed a lot more peoples, using same methods as the nazi's


Ok so I never post here but I though I would just for you guys. Do me a favor and raise your hand if your a redneck, both of you should. Oh and filthy herpes... or whatever your name is. Move on to something a little more classy, no one wants to hear about your sexual life, or lack there of.....

Ive actually just registered to reply to you 2 pathetic pieces of shit.

You's really need to grow up and get a life. Hope cunts like you rot in hell! you smoke ROCKS

You little fucks, I would give my left testicle just to be left in a room with you for 5 mins. You pieces of shit are exactly what is wrong with the world. Do you think your mother is proud of you (mind you, she probably just pissed you out in the gutter and let the sun hatch you). Let me know if you pair of cowardly wankers ever come to England, I would love to meet you.
I can only hope world stands up and slaughters these Zionist trash-- The real terrorists of the world.
Thet made a film about "ouruncledarnell, abbey4477 & FilthyHebes" (all the same person really).
Film synopsis: Brother and sister grow up together living in pig shit, neither knows who their real fathers are, as their mother is a crackwhore and likes beastiality. The brother bears an uncanny resemblence to the retarded pig he butt shafts as he learns abot puberty, and his sister has a perfect set of buck-horse teeth.
Finally, they give into temptation, and the brother creampies his sister.
Miraculously she falls pregnant, and gives birth whilst enduring fatel dysentary.
Enter ouruncledarnell, abbey4477 & FilthyHebes into the world, a mentally changed sterile gimp with multiple personality disorder.
The doctors deliberately drop him/her/it on it's head - repeatedly.
Some dipshit shows them, where they attempt to commumicate with the outside world - failing appallingly.
They end up dying in obscurity, unknown, unloved, and totally forgotten.
The world doesn't miss them.
Chumbah, that is the funniest post I have ever seen. I doff my hat to you.

what would you do if rockets were fired at your house?

go back to the smoldering ashes of your home in Switzerland. Three words League of Nations.
been waiting months for this excellent upload a=11/10 video 11/10 excellent thank you.
"BTW, the jews here ONLY tell lies. If a jew here tells you the sky is blue or the sun is hot, question it as they seem incapable of telling ANY truth."

If you are too stupid or lazy to look out the window, then I'd be more concerned at the mentality and maturity of the person who asked the question.

In this case, it is quite apparent that "FilthyHebes" is possibly Frank Weltner's publicist.

Why he would chose this forum to air his views only goes to demonstrate his inability and complete lack of intelligence and maturity in chosing this place.

So to those of his multiple personalities still living under the rock, I'd suggest they stick their head above the parapet and find out what the weather is like. (Or you might want to google it.)
Chumbah, you are my hero. SMACK those bitches arses (thats how we spell it in England)! When I grow up I want to be as funny as you.
Cheers for this.
Tho the Holocaust was probably the most heinous crime in human history, I will say that I have absolutely NO patience for those who say, "Never again", "Lest we forget", blah blah blah when they hear about women, elderly and children being slaughtered in Gaza/Palestine (DR Congo, Darfur, etc.) and do NOTHING (not even speak out against it). For all those who ever wondered, "Why didn't the Germans do anything to stop the Holocaust if they knew what was going on?", you can now ask yourselves the same thing about Israelis today.

fuck are you on about. 2 different things. jews in the holocaust were slaughtered cos of just being jews. The current war in gaza is about rockets being fired into isreal. wtf would your country do if it was happening to them? just sit back? enoughs enough.
Oh my God that was some funny reading.
tuneraider...first of all, where the fuck is isreal (maybe israel?), secondly, the nebelwerfers (ancient rockets) being fired into israel are from ww2. what the fuck are you guys doing firing white phosphorous into childrens playgrounds? the two are non-comparable. Israel (not jews as a whole) are losing international respect very quickly. Don't forget, the land that you are living on has no legal right to be yours (the old testament is not a legally binding document).
And to think what started this, a Disney movie;)
@ anomaly001

Walt Disney was a Nazi sympathizer. Now you see; his plan has reached it's pinnacle moment.

Also; Jews owned/sold/stole more slaves from Africa than any other religious organization or culture. BUT HOLY FUCK! SPACEBALLS WAS HALARIOUS! MEL BROOKS I LOVE JOO!
I know this has nothing to do with this movie, but for some reason I am unable to login on the forum. Does anyone know when a copy of the movie "Outlander" will be on TPB? It is supposed to be on DVD today the 23rd of January, 2009. However I haven't been able to locate a DVD rip on TPB, only cams and I even went to Blockbuster Video and asked them about it which I hate them, so that just ruined my day and they couldn't tell me anything. Although I am in Canada, so if any of you American friends want to go rent the movie you probably can today, oh and be a good sport for the rest of us and rip the shit out of it and upload a good english copy... Thanks!
@ dalboy
go read some books

@ armitageshanx
1. I'm not sure where "Isreal" is, why don't you tell us, since you're the one who brought it up? LMFAO

2. "what the fuck are you guys doing firing white phosphorous into childrens playgrounds? ...the land that you are living on has no legal right to be yours"
Assume much? You don't know f*ck all about me. I wouldn't hurt a fly, much less a fellow human. But in your case I'd probably make an exception.

3. If you actually read my post, you'll realize we agree on Israel getting out of Gaza, you fucking moron.


I have several close friends that are jewish. What Israel and the IDF are doing in Gaza is a disgrace to humanity. Totally out of proportions again like in Lebanon. BOYCOTT ISRAEL!

fuck all these other fagots who want to shove what they think is right and wrong down your throat killing Jews is wrong...
What makes a country hate some one so bad? They came to Germany with nothing, then owned every thing. They became slumlords, and creped merchants, who kicked people out into the cold to die.
The German people didn?t now what was happening, all they new the filthy scum were being kicked out, not sent to death (slaughtered).

Ass of the middle east, when Briton was a power lord of many countries, they kicked out the people who originally lived there. The scum moved in. they toke the land and houses off others who owned them. Then Briton poled out, than the rite full owners wonted their land and houses back. But no, the scum think they should keep it.

Why do Jews start wars, and expect other countries to fight fore them. Resin why. They already corrupted those countries. Slumlords of the USA. They already imbedded their filth, they moved into Hollywood, TV and politics like gangsters. They spread their lies.
They call them selves the chosen race. Remember the holocaust.
25 million Russians died in that ware never mind them millions of other countries that lost love ones by the millions. The only thing to remember is Remembrance Day. Who do they think they are? Make a movie, whey they piss of so many people, the truth.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz to the lot of you guys.L2 get along with each other. OMFG!!
Humanity always has to find an excuse, a reason for their own misfortunes.
Those that sit on their backsides and think the world owes them a lving. Those that haven't the brains to dig themselves out of their own pig shit (yeah that's a reference to a film synopsis earlier). Those that are jealous of others regardless of who they are, their race colour, hertitage, ethnicity, gender, whatever.
Always failing to recognise their own miserable shortcomings, like a herd of myopic lemmings, who, quite frankly are several chromosomes short of algae.
The sort of people who, rather than contribute anything to humanity, leech of it, and then blame those that do better than themselves.
What a cheap shot - "blame the Jews".
Weathers shit today - it's the jews fault
Crap TV today - blame the jews
Oil price is up - it's the jews hording it all (just where the fuck do you put 100,000,000 barrels of crude? in that well known jewish resort called Somalia??? - you fuckwit testicular pimple!)
Shiek Wassim Abdullah I-piss-Crude - yeah, he's a secret jew, because he's got money.
Damn, why is my benefit cheque so small - blame the jews!
Why's Everest so difficult to climb - fuck knows, but you can bet the jews have something to do with it.
The jews sank the Titanic! - FYI that was an Iceberg not Goldberg you premature zygote!

Get some education, stop opening your stupid mouths, and open your dull retarded brains for once!

Peace out.
Man so much hatred xD

Guys go smoke a joint and chill

U'd really think that smack talking like that here will change a dam thing on their mind.

If they are Cunts well what can u do about, kill them ?! Perhaps but after i should kill u because u killed somebody and than it shall continues till everyone is dead
What is with all the talk about jews and the middle east?

Shit does anyone know if this movies is any good or not?

And as far as jews go. they are like every other race; They monopolize certain industries, they have a mafia, they kill people, they steal, they rob, they do all the same shit as everyone else. I just wish they would stop pretending they are so freakin holy and pure. I think that is what pisses people off about jews.
The Chinese beat everyone for the most murdered people ever. You never hear about that though. They murders tens of millions of people and turned babies into fertilizer. Lets all get upset about that instead and then we can stop talking about the fucking holocaust already.

Geez, I don't have anything against jews but fuck shut up already and stop bitching and complaining about the fucking holocaust. You are accomplishing the opposite of what you want. You are driving people into hating jews and idolizing Hitler. And that does no one any good.

What about the millions of Brits, swedes, americans, french, spainish and everyone else who died in camps and during the war?

What about all the Native Americans? Or the blacks? Or the white indentured servants? Or the multitude of blood baths that have taken place over this planet for centuries. Should I start bitching about the Roman conquests and my ancestors being roman slaves?

I mean shit I forgive the jews for killing Jesus... so maybe it is time they start forgiving others? Hmmm...
wow..... the bearing of most the wars in this worlds history is religion. listen to you guys bicker back and forth about who is killing who and why it is wrong. killing anyone is wrong. black,white,purple,orange. the only reason half the people posting here even have a comment is because you buy into what the media feeds you. Guess that epoxy putty also withstands hurricane force winds as well. Peace can and will not ever be obtained and this forum is proof of that. Everyone thinks their way of thinking is correct (biased by what the media and popular opinion has to say) and after people read this post well then my point will be proven exactly. The comment about the mass killings in Africa is correct. They are less important because they are poor and black.
I've only got this to say......
Most wars are based on religious and ethnic differences, which is unfortunate....because in reality and no matter how you look at it...ALL religion is man-made. Period! I'm not an atheist, I'm not Christian, and I am also not Jewish...should I die because of it? Should anyone die or kill all in the name of religion? are an absolute wit and I love it! But, I think everyone is missing the big picture here and until everyone actually values life over mythology....there will be wars and death. Greed, Power, and Religion....such nice barbaric human traits.
OK, I can trump the lot of you.

I hate cancer, not the jewish "I eat too much chicken soup" kind, but the real nasty stuff that picks on you for no other reason other than it can, and it picked you, or you, or you.

How about Leukemia? Influenenza, Smallpox, rare genetic disorders (OK, so they don't kill that many, hence they are rare), lead poisoning, you know that indescriminate, high velocity kind. Natural disasters that wipe out whole civilisations, AIDES - it'll kill anyone, it doesn't care what your beliefs are, who you are, where you're from, how much money you have, whether your hair is blond, brown, black straight, curly, or just a plain old slap head - although it has to be said, it doesn't go for those with a naturally purple skin pigmentation (who the hell has every seen someone with naturally purple skin AND who's still alive???? I haven't a clue where that came from, but since it's been brought up, best to include it - don't want to be seen picking on the purple people here.)

Lets not forget to include Darwinian screwups through the centuries, the constant shifting of boarders and fifedoms over the centuries, the semi high velocity wooden shafts with metal, stone or just nasty pointy ends used over the millennia.

Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you, SHOULD be the order of the day, and not I'm gonna pot roast your goldfish, super-glue your atrophied danglies to a team of rabid huskies and offer them a drink of water.

Be nice people, you only get one shot at life, although there are a few who kinda missed the point.

you guys are all gay, oh wait, i don't want to offend anyone. this comments section is for comments on the quality of the rip, not on whether or not the move is any good as far as your own tastes, and it certainly isn't for comments on whether or not you like or dislike Jews. Even you fags that are trying to defend your statement, or pass judgment on others statements, this is where the world is fucked. Everyone just likes to argue about bull shit. So go fuck yourselves all of you needle dicks. I am Jesus Christ, Buddha, Muhammed, Vishnu, and Satan and I hate all you fuckers!
I'm sure there are discussion boards for discussing the holocaust. Can't you go there, so it would be easier to find comments about the avi quality? Please? Thanks.
hitler preached about the aryan race and he himself was not even aryan the son-of a bitch had black hair and a piece of shit under his nose so his words were full of shit thats why he is DEAD and ran like a little bitch when the US came for him
symo66... ah fuck it... it's not even worth writing words to decribe how much of a dumb fuck you really are. Just keep going on in life thinking you can solve the worlds problems with violence and crime. People like you and all the terorists in this world should have a zip tie around your neck and pulled tight but not too tight just so people like myself could see you suffer like the jewish people did. Only this time. It's for a reason. It's to rid the world of useless, no good for nothing, scummy assholes like you. I hope you live a shitty life plagued with misery and hard luck. FUCKER!!!
Thanks for the torrent!!!
wow, a lot of people with a lot of spare was the movie/quality anyone????

yes the rockets being fired at Israel may be from ww2, but i think a little thing called the atomic bomb was made in ww2 ^^.

and btw i'm not Jewish, i'm not actually religious at all, religion causes too many problems as it is, religion is for the gullible and the blind.
Avi quality 10
Quit your arguing!
What's the quality of the movie?
Hitler was my uncle......he was a cunt and im glad hes dead..........Madonna is my auntie to...slag.
poor jews.................

they should not feel so bloody sorry for themselves......if somebody has forgotten their own history it has to be the "chosen ppl" in israel..

nuff said...this is no place for politics....just needed to get it off my chest......

thx for the up!!!!
i big shout out to.......sheik Nasrallah and Hamas!

fight the crusaders!!!
I feel sorry for some of you people. You have no understanding of what is really going on in the world.

Some of you seem to support terrorists, some are bigots and some of you don't seem able enough to string together a sentence without having to use lets say colourful language suggesting to me that perhaps you don't have the intellegence to comment on something that quite honestly you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

It's okay. The world unfortunatly is full of ignorant people who believe in nothing but hate and half truths and for that I'm sorry for you!
How long are you Jew Haterz gonna realize that you cant take their land or kill them all, God promised the jews that they are the chosen people, even though i dont agree with all of the teachings of the jews i still respect them all the shit they have come through and still here and always will be, i hope that Israle wipes Hamas off the face of the earth in Gaza, jews and blacks seem to be hated the most so i stand behind both of them, so deal with the fact people for a very long time have tried to take there land but will not happen so to all the Haterz out there FUCK YOU it was good that the german boy was gassed like all the nazi party should be

lots of ppl dont like the US because we have what others dont, did not say the US won the war single handed but they did put a hurting on the Nazi party didnt they, im not dissing your views on things just trying to get mine heard, so props to ya and respect to the Jews in the world today
Fuckin' heavy discussion about this torrent! Can't we all just live in peace and agree to disagree on the way to spell pyjamas. (I've got to say pajamas sounds fuckin' Spanish to me!) On the subject of Latinos, didn't they exterminate the native (South) Americans? Bastards...
Hey, Man! Maybe none of our ancestors are innocent and all have done bad things and we should only be held responsible for what we do, eh?
the most unstable people in the world are not jews but muslim.they want to rule the world but how can weak minded people who think they will have virgins waiting for them if they kill themself and murder innocent people rule the world. also if you worship a peado like mohamad you must be disturbed

you ppl who agrees with israel!

if the jews had it SO bad during WW2, and Adolofs regime, how come they treat the palestinians the same horrible way?

I think tht if I lived during WW2 I'd sympathised with the jews, but today, when I see how they treat the palestinians I think they got what they deserved!!!

If anyone can't see that they'e fucking('scuze my languae) ignorant!

Israel is protected by the whole world 'cause the world have a real bad conscience about WW2 and as long as they have the crusaders in United Sucking Animals on theit side it will NEVER be peace in the Middle East,

I'm from Norway and I'm not a muslim or anything but I can see when there's unjustice done in the world, and everytime it's because the state of Israel is ignoring human rights and bombing whatever or whomever!!

That's just NOT justified in anyway!!!

So Sheik Nasrallah (Hizbollah)
and Hamas

fight the crusaders
fight for your freedom

we're with you.......some of us at least

I think that the state of Israel has to have a land but not where they are..not in the midle of all the conflict in the middle east

fuck......we gave them a land 61 years ago........why don1t we give them a new one.....and we can all live in peace......
muslim jew christian hindu and buddhist.........
we all bleed red

jews can get on with usa, britain,france,spain,ect,ect,except germans and muslims i live in glasgow we are friendly people but if muslims terrorist blow people up here god help the good muslims that are here because people living here would explode with anger and we could have a riot and death in this city with muslim mosques being targeted.a lot of loonies are hoping for that in most countries we hope they keep there wars away from innocent people.that never happens in any war just look what is happening in gaza
Cannot convert this movie WTF!!! Fuck all your worldly problems...can you get this movie to convert to there's a real problem. lol
To Symo66, read this and be amazed.

In May 1967, Egypt's president Nasser expelled the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) from the Sinai Peninsula.[7] The peacekeeping force had been stationed there since 1957, following a British-French-Israeli invasion which was launched during the Suez Crisis. Egypt amassed 1,000 tanks and nearly 100,000 soldiers on the Israeli border[8] and closed the Straits of Tiran to all ships flying Israeli flags or carrying strategic materials, receiving strong support from other Arab countries.[9] On June 5, 1967, Israel launched a pre-emptive attack[10] against Egypt's airforce. Jordan, which had signed a mutual defence treaty with Egypt on May 30, then attacked western Jerusalem and Netanya.[11][12][13] At the war's end, Israel had gained control of the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. The results of the war affect the geopolitics of the region to this day

Sounds like it was self defence to me!
I see the Jew haters are out in force again.
And that is EXACTLY the reason why there needs to be a State of Israel. Because everywhere in the world, there are a bunch of dumb fucks who hate the Jews.
When Hamas murdered 100 Palestinians last week, nobody bats an eye.
EVERY SINGLE DAY Hamas chants about killing Jews, and driving every Israeli Jew (and Christian, by the way) into the sea.
But when Israel FINALLY responds to the 3000 rockets shot at Israeli women and children over the last three years, suddenly its a "genocide".
Merely self defense.
Wikipedia is not an official encyclopedia, nor a confirmed source of information.
Even you can write your stuff there...........
Always check the info from this site.
To Symo66

Why do you hate the jews so much?
What have they done to you?

Why do you think the yanks invaded Iraq? It sure as hell wasn't for humanitarian aid. Jews aren't the only rich people on this earth. Business is business. Every business deserves to make a profit and many do including jews. Throughout history the jews have been persecuted for one reason or another. They are the scape goats of history, but I admire them. They stand their ground, are hard to intimidate and they believe in what they are fighting for.

Leave them be. There are 2 sides to every story. The palastinians aren't completly inoscent here. They provoked isreal and in my opinion got what they asked for.

To amstelbiercuracao

Thanks for the tip, but I've checked my sources and the information is proving to be correct.

I'm happy to clarify this for you.

r you completely stupid or what????????

of course the jews deserve their own country but that does not mean they can occupy whatever country they want!!!!!!!!!!!

And personally I'm not talking about only jews but the whole state of Israel.

They can't depend on sympathy and support from the rest of the world anymore (I know they get it. but that doesn't mean it's right)

The palestinian ppl are the jews of the 21 century (also the 20 century)

the state of Israel doesn't care if they kill 100 innicent ppl as long they take out 1 member of Hamas

Hamas is NOT the heroes in this conflict as they hide in between the innocent population but hey what choice do they have???

teeenagers with AK-47's are fighting a state with modern weapons. They have to hide somewhere .

Throw a stone at an Israeli tank and you get shot at in return

How come all the journalists from all over the world are denied access to what is really going on in Palestina?


"Arab governments were prepared to accept Israel after the Suez War."


Israel consistently expressed a desire to negotiate with its neighbors. In an address to the UN General Assembly on October 10, 1960, Foreign Minister Golda Meir challenged Arab leaders to meet with Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to negotiate a peace settlement. Nasser answered on October 15, saying that Israel was trying to deceive the world, and reiterating that his country would never recognize the Jewish State.1
The Arabs were equally adamant in their refusal to negotiate a separate settlement for the refugees. As Nasser told the United Arab Republic National Assembly March 26, 1964:
Israel and the imperialism around us, which confront us, are two separate things. There have been attempts to separate them, in order to break up the problems and present them in an imaginary light as if the problem of Israel is the problem of the refugees, by the solution of which the problem of Palestine will also be solved and no residue of the problem will remain. The danger of Israel lies in the very existence of Israel as it is in the present and in what she represents.2
Meanwhile, Syria used the Golan Heights, which tower 3,000 feet above the Galilee, to shell Israeli farms and villages. Syria's attacks grew more frequent in 1965 and 1966, while Nasser's rhetoric became increasingly bellicose: "We shall not enter Palestine with its soil covered in sand," he said on March 8, 1965. "We shall enter it with its soil saturated in blood."3
Again, a few months later, Nasser expressed the Arabs' aspiration: "...the full restoration of the rights of the Palestinian people. In other words, we aim at the destruction of the State of Israel. The immediate aim: perfection of Arab military might. The national aim: the eradication of Israel."4

"Israel's military strike in 1967 was unprovoked."

A combination of bellicose Arab rhetoric, threatening behavior and, ultimately, an act of war left Israel no choice but preemptive action. To do this successfully, Israel needed the element of surprise. Had it waited for an Arab invasion, Israel would have been at a potentially catastrophic disadvantage.
While Nasser continued to make speeches threatening war, Arab terrorist attacks grew more frequent. In 1965, 35 raids were conducted against Israel. In 1966, the number increased to 41. In just the first four months of 1967, 37 attacks were launched.5
Meanwhile, Syria's attacks on Israeli kibbutzim from the Golan Heights provoked a retaliatory strike on April 7, 1967, during which Israeli planes shot down six Syrian MiGs. Shortly thereafter, the Soviet Union ? which had been providing military and economic aid to both Syria and Egypt ? gave Damascus information alleging a massive Israeli military buildup in preparation for an attack. Despite Israeli denials, Syria decided to invoke its defense treaty with Egypt.
On May 15, Israel's Independence Day, Egyptian troops began moving into the Sinai and massing near the Israeli border. By May 18, Syrian troops were prepared for battle along the Golan Heights.
Nasser ordered the UN Emergency Force, stationed in the Sinai since 1956, to withdraw on May 16. Without bringing the matter to the attention of the General Assembly, as his predecessor had promised, Secretary-General U Thant complied with the demand. After the withdrawal of the UNEF, the Voice of the Arabs proclaimed (May 18, 1967):
As of today, there no longer exists an international emergency force to protect Israel. We shall exercise patience no more. We shall not complain any more to the UN about Israel. The sole method we shall apply against Israel is total war, which will result in the extermination of Zionist existence.6
An enthusiastic echo was heard May 20 from Syrian Defense Minister Hafez Assad:
Our forces are now entirely ready not only to repulse the aggression, but to initiate the act of liberation itself, and to explode the Zionist presence in the Arab homeland. The Syrian army, with its finger on the trigger, is united....I, as a mi
have you seen the film, the MATRIX?
Take the red pill, use the net for what it was designed for and read up about the NEW WORLD ORDER.
because man, you only think you know what your talking about. Most of the knowledge you have comes from books/papers, tv, or radio but that is not always the truth.
you are all a bunch of idiots
It amazes me that in todays society we still have moronic fundamentalists symo66, troy69 and especially kkk.theonlyhope.

Were do you people get your retoric?

You live in an age were people like you are stirring up hate. Hate for nothing fed by half truths. You are the catalist of the damned. Supporters of terrorist violence. Allowing the truth of a situation to be hidden in the mist of propaganda gunfire.

You are the ammunition. The gunfire that lacks the moral argument but fills in the gaps with pure hatred, a hatred that has no bounds.

To symo66

Wasn't christ a jew?
Hamas use the population of the Gaza strip as a smoke screen.
It's one of their tactics. A double edged sword. Hide in a house - if the house is destroyed, blame it on the isrealis - if it isn't we're safe hiding behind women and children.
As for the UN relief saga I put that down to friendly fire. You yanks know alot about that don't you!
And aragant, well I don't know you personally and can I say would not want to, but thats how your coming across.
You see your hate is turning you into something else. I see you as the agressor, the aragant bystander who can't see the wood through the trees.

To troy69

A retorical question. What would you do if you were continually harassed by an agressive force?
The isrealis are something else aren't they. I mean they realy look after their people. If for example the US or Britain had this problem what would they have done? Talked about it at the UN. Deliberated about sanctions?
Well the isrealis tried that. It got them nowhere. Sometimes orce is all some people respect.
Hamas can not achieve anything but misery with the AK 47. The weapons of democracy are consideration not just for the palastines but also for the state of isreal.
I for one do not think it is achievable. Theres to much hate on either side and people like you feeding the fire and almost wanting the conflict to continue.
Now the journalist thing. The big mistake allowing the press to report indiscriminantly was learnt in the Vietnam war. Need I go on?

And kkk.theonlyhope

In what context was that passage taken?
I need not remind you that the koran does not preach about murder and revenge but it is taken in that context by the terrorist that pretends to use it as an excuse to carry out its cowardly deed/
Is that you?
DUDES TALK ABOUT THE MOVIE! NOT POLITICS!! u guys are just childish... =_= ahha anyway anybody? quality
thank you.
It is all about pain an misery. We all have to be happy that we R not part of the war. Maybe we can B part of the solution. But how...? Most of us react to violent behavior by running away. How can we unite to stop this destruction and killing? Well, we can't! We are not aloud. The media, our government's do not suport us by revealing
the truth. They are "modifing" the truth !
Oh ya! I forget to say that it was not aloud in the Concentration Camps to touch or even to get close (from the inside) to the fence becouse you wood by shot on site. And the guard got days off or a raise. Sometimes, someone pushed one of the prisoners in the restricted area just so a guard could shoot him and get that raise!
Dear kkk.thelonelydope, who art a fuckwit
Shallow is thine name
Your pants are undone
You never wipe your bum
Your IQ is below seven
Give us this day a fucking rest
From your purile diatrib we doth protest
And lead you under a truck
Your passing no one will give a fuck
For you are a fucktard, a fecal arse drip, who will never amount to more than this, for ever and ever and ever.
*spoiler warning*
This is a nice children's movie that teaches the important lesson of what can happen when you get involved with the jewish people. Even imprisoned, their destructive trickery tears families apart and eventually leads to the demise of an innocent child.
Yeah Jews were the chosen people alright. Chosen to deliver gods message.

Which they did... then they murdered Jesus once God himself came here.

I think the phrase "Chosen people" does not apply anymore to jews so they really should wise up. God has chosen a whole lot of people, in fact he has chosen all the people. Every person on Earth is a chosen person. So stop diluting yourself jews.
Um... I think you mean deluding not diluting, TeamAmerica.

Like practically all films dealing with the jewish holocaust of WWII, this movie is a tired attempt at emotional manipulation from a highly skewed viewpoint and based more on imagination than fact. Most anti-war films are like that.

There's a good reason Jews have been persecuted for so many thousands of years. The Jews maintain their own exclusive society tied to their identity as Jews, which conflicts with assimilation into mainstream society, adoption of a unified national identity, and often creates a conflict of interest in times of hardship. They aren't bad people, just people with their own agenda and little loyalty to anything else because of their predominant group affiliation.
"There's a good reason Jews have been persecuted for so many thousands of years..."

yeah that and also because they think it's okay to rape children:

"It was taught: R. Simeon b. Yohai stated: A proselyte who is under the age of three years and one day is permitted to marry a priest, for it is said, But all the women children that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves, and Phinehas surely was with them. And the Rabbis? ? [These were kept alive] as bondmen and bondwomen. If so, a proselyte whose age is three years and one day should also be permitted!"
-- Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Yebamoth Folio 60b

Jew law it's teh pedo.
Here is another reason why everyone should hate those fucks and their shitty little country:

?Since the October War in 1973, Washington has provided Israel with a level of support dwarfing the amounts provided to any other state. It has been the largest annual recipient of direct U.S. economic and military assistance since 1976 and the largest total recipient since World War ll.

?Total direct U.S. aid to Israel amounts to well over $140 billion in 2003 dollars. Israel receives about $3 billion in direct foreign assistance each year, which is roughly one-fifth of America?s entire foreign aid budget.

?In per capita terms, the United States gives each Israeli a direct subsidy worth about $500 per year. This largesse is especially striking when one realizes that Israel is now a wealthy industrial state with a per capita income roughly equal to South Korea or Spain.?

- John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt
?The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy?
hey all you dark haters out there

how come you hate because of something that stand in the talmud? if ppl should be hated by what their holy books say then the christians should be wiped out. no one has done as much horrible thing as the christians in the name of god!!

you can't judge ppl for what their ancestors did or their beliefs.

personally i just don't like the israeli foreign polotics but i think that they too bleed red and have the right to live in peace and freedom

...only not on the behalf of the palestinians
I didn't bother reading everything here but I'll try to answer whatever I can.

First of all, to compare self defense (Israel) to gassing innocent women and children (Hitler) is in itself an act of inhumanity.

Second, Israel was being bombarded by 100 mortars a day. It has an OBLIGATION to defend its citizens. War isn't a game where one is limited to a counterstrike that is the equivalent of the original attack. War is an unfortunate response to terrorist groups like Hamas. Israel has endured for years its time has finally come to show the world that it will no longer condone terrorism in its lands. What gives the muslims more of a right to Israel than the Jews? Plenty of Muslims live in Israel and aren't discriminated against. I wonder what would happen if someone like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would gain control of Israel. If the Israelis are such barbarians why is it that the Dome of Rock is still standing? The Nazis made it their business to burn don every synagogue they came across, when Israel gave up Gaza the Palestinians burnt down all synagogues too, but Israel allows freedom of religion and you don't see them burning down mosques. Israel warned the Palestinians living in Gaza to move out before it launched operation cast lead. Did Arafat do the same thing when suicide bombers were blowing up in Israel every day.

Where do you get off blaming the Jews for 9/11? Are you saying that Osama Bin Laden had a right to orphan a few thousand Americans because of some beef going on in the Middle East?

I'll offer you some more, look at the way the Muslims treat each other. What happened between Saddam Hussein and the Kurds? I'm sure some fanatics claim that Israel is responsible for that too. People are infuriated with the civilian death toll in Gaza, why do you think that happened? Terrorists hiding in schools and hospitals and using civilians as shields "couldn't" have contributed to that!

One thing that I found quite amusing was when the pope had to recant what he had said even though he was only quoting the Quran. LOL

Let me ask you one more thing why is it that MOST TERRORISTS IN THE WORLD ARE MUSLIMS? (NOT to say that most Muslims are terrorists)

axxo is the MAN
Dear all, and by all I refer to all the alias sock puppets purporting to be various (or should that be neferious?) fans of the great downtrodden far right "we hate everything even remotely kosher and think (think? now there's an oximoron in this instance) that The Book of Elders was actually written by none other than Enid Blyton herself, and who worship the very paper that Frankie Weltner wipes his mouth/butt with" - (hey same hole, same paper...what's the difference?)

Do you really think that there is some global conspiracy? y'know like global domination in a non 3rd reich way? Or is it because you have just so little to offer?

JJJ & KKK, I have to laugh at your scholarly quotes, if only because they are Brontosaur Gonads in size (here, I'll spell it out for you guys, as it's not one of Franks scholarly quotes or teachings - You guys spout the biggest load of prehistoric bollocks since the midwife asked your mothers if she knew who your fathers were, "Coz he suuure is one ugly 'ickle ferker - you want I go drown him in a sack with the rest of the litter runts?"

Yeah yeah yeah, it's the jews that gone done it.
They own the oil, they pimped out in the slave trade, they own all the media, they caused 9/11 & 7/7, they are resonsible for global warming, and took out a space shuttle during a matzoa bake off.

And let's not forget that a bagel, cream cheese and smoked salmon is the mark of the devil.

All kosher bread is made with babies blood, as it gives them superhuman powers, allows them to walk through walls, and raises their intellect allowing them to communicate telepathically and converse with dolphins.

With all your whining, bleating and crowing, anyone would think you were jealous of them?

OK, so you may have got it just a tad wrong, and maybe forgot to follow your instructions correctly, or did the math wrong and forgot to carry the "1", or move the decimal point to the left when it should have been the right?

Of maybe it's because you're just too scared, ignorant, haven't his puberty yet, squeezed one zit too many, or haven't got enough chromasomes in the right order (give it another 1000 years and maybe you'll have evolved into something other than a sniffling snot gobling STD).

BTW, it's a F I L M made to provoke a thought process. OK, so there's no Chuck Norris (the only bloke I know that has counted to infinity,......twice) California's Governor didn't do a cybernetic cameo (although I can just image it... I vant you boots, you jacket, and you'r trowzers, Oh, and you keyz to your Harley Davidson), and Celine Dion didn't sing the opening credits (Oh well you can't have everything I guess)

But I guess you couldn't get past that one. You town simpletons crack me up with your "Rerise of the Turd Dyke-sch and the Aryan guide to winning friends and influencing people (have you every tried selling cookies door to door?)

Now it behoves me to offer some advice without it being twisted into something it isn't or another misquote, or biblical quotation from a fictional text (although I'm told that in the darkness your rings do bind - try more roughage in your diets), so I'll do my best to make it simple...

Grow up, get educated, think for yourselves, stop believing in false hope that plays on your own fears (ask a friend if that confuses you), and stop being arseholes - there is a reason why you're in the minority in your thinking - It's because you are wrong.

Simple 'innit.
Too much red-bull ladies?

I hear the under age drinking set can't handle too much caffine.
What the fuck with all this bullshit! Man just comment on the fuckin quality of the movie. Is it worth d/l or not? Too much political jargon on her instead of doing what this site is about, d/l, rate, and seed movies. PLAIN AND FUCKIN SIMPLE!
whats a hitler and who are the jews? and pssst whos this nigger obama and whys he in my house?
what's with all this political shit on here. It's gettin worse than youtube just comment on the fukn quality, which is A/9..V/9 EXCELLENT as always from all you fukn tards just comment on the quality and leave the political shit somewhere else..think piratebay should ban your asses for some of the comments on here..
For those individuals -- such as nearly all members of the world news media -- who, in light of Israel?s invasion of Gaza -- see moral equivalence between Israel and the Palestinians, here are some clarifying thoughts.

First, it would be difficult nearly to the point of impossibility, to find Israeli or other Jews who celebrate the deaths of Palestinian civilians. Jews both within and outside of Israel cringe when they see pictures of dead Palestinian men, women, and children in Gaza. For thousands of years at their Passover seders, Jews have removed wine from their cups to ceremonially weep for the Egyptians -- their erstwhile slave owners for 400 years -- who died during the Jews? exodus. Jews have never stopped weeping for enemies.

The opposite is the case with the large majority of Palestinians. It would be quite difficult to find many Palestinians who do not celebrate the deaths of Israeli Jews or non-Israeli Jews. This is not only reflected in Palestinian polls that show majority support for terrorism -- and terrorism means killing innocent Jews -- it is also reflected in Palestinian media, Palestinian schools, and Palestinian mosques that routinely glorify murderers of Jews, and refer to all Jews as ?monkeys? and the like.

Take for example, Palestinian reaction to the 2001 Palestinian terror bombing of a Jerusalem Sbarro pizzeria in which 15 Jews, five of whom were two sets of parents and their children, were murdered and an additional 130 people were injured, some permanently maimed.

As reported by the Associated Press, a month later, ?Palestinian university students opened an exhibition that included a grisly re-enactment? of that mass murder. The students built a replica of the Sbarro pizzeria, with fake blood, splattered pizza, a plastic hand dangling from the ceiling, and a fake severed leg wearing jeans and a bloody black sneaker.

?The exhibit also includes a large rock in front of a mannequin wearing the black hat, black jacket and black trousers typically worn by ultra-Orthodox Jews. A recording from inside the rock calls out: ?O believer, there is a Jewish man behind me. Come and kill him,?? paraphrasing a verse in the Koran. It became a popular tourist attraction for Palestinians, to which Palestinian parents took their little children.

Here?s the question: Can anyone even imagine Jews, in Israel or anywhere else on earth -- no matter how right-wing they are politically or religiously -- doing something analogous to celebrate the death of Palestinian civilians? I have spoken to Jewish groups on both U.S. coasts since the Israeli invasion of Gaza, and when the subject of Palestinian civilian deaths is mentioned, all I hear is regret and sadness. This moral chasm that separates Israel from its enemies, and separates the Jews from their enemies, merely confirms what Hamas repeatedly says about itself: ?We love death more than the Jews love life.? This motto is so true that Hamas not only doesn?t weep for dead Israelis, it doesn?t weep for dead Palestinians. It uses living Palestinians as human shields and uses dead Palestinians as propaganda. The moral disequilibrium is such that Jews weep for dead Palestinian far more than Hamas does.

The second point to be raised is about perspective.

If during World War II, Weste